B12 for a Better Community

For every B-12 Shot we provide, we donate 10 percent of the proceeds to a local charity. We're proud to have supported organizations that help facilitate active lifestyles among children, summer camps for the deaf and hard of hearing, an end to cystic fibrosis, access to healthy foods, and many more.

If you have suggestion for our next contribution, please share your thoughts on our Facebook page or send us an email at office@thirdandchurchhealthcare.com -- we're always looking for the next worthy cause.

We can also send one of our skilled providers directly to your workplace to dispense B-12 shots through our On-Site Business Services. We only require a minimum of five participants, and it's a great way to provide a perk for employees while knowing that a portion of the proceeds will be given back to the community. To find out more, give us a call or send us an email.

Third & Church's Trip to Haiti

I was recently part of a disaster relief team in Haiti. I could not have imagined the effects this trip would have on my life. I experienced an overwhelming desire to help — help in a way that would stretch my heart beyond it's preconceived limits. I wanted to do so much more. This trip, that at first had seemed slightly daunting, quickly became less about me and what I was giving and became completely consumed with what the people of Haiti needed and deserved as human beings.

To read more about the experiences I had in Haiti, visit my journal by clicking


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Jason Boylan